Friday, September 16, 2011

Selamat Hari Malaysia

Bunkface - Dunia


Hi guys , Selamat Hari Malaysia semua . I''m proud to be Malaysian ! Ahaa , 

okay , to be honest I actually start hating my school . Why ? Because they all ( not all of them ) FAKE and I hate the fakers , dah macam takde life dah diorang semua tu . Hell-O , can't you see I'm busy with my all life and all ? So why you still need to JAGA TEPI KAIN ORANG ? Padahal kain sendiri pun dah terkoyak rabak dah pun , still tak sedar ? Hello wake up babe , back to the reality don't easily judge people . Ouh yeah , you saw her do like all the gediks out there so label her " pompuan gedik " like that laa ? Ouhh common lah , every girls like that laa , including YOU ! So , tak payah nak cakap orang sangat lah , nanti terkena dekat batang hidung tu sendiri ! Memang baguskan perangai berani kutuk belakang belakang then when they teacher ask us to turun racall nak settle the problem down baru la cakap " kalau tak puas hati mai datang jumpa depan depan lah " it was like duhh -.-'' behave your self ! Easily cari gaduh degan orang then easily mintak maaf ? Apa jenis manusia nie ? Lepas tu buad balik kan , bagus nya perangai ! Hey bullshits , this is for you !